The staff at Chiron Publications and the Asheville Jung Center was greatly saddened to hear the news of Thomas Kirsch’s passing. We have so enjoyed working with him over the years. He was a lion among Jungians who blessed his colleagues with an unrivaled history of Analytical Psychology with his book, The Jungians. His prolific scholarship culminated in the release of Jungian Analysis, Depth Psychology, and Soul: The Selected Works of Thomas B. Kirsch (Routledge, 2017). He will be missed.
Many of you have asked about obtaining the wonderful interview Tom did in C.G. Jung’s Library recently. Blue Salamdra Films did an amazing job filming and editing the footage. We have the film available in DVD format at Chiron Publication’s website at:
We also have an archived presentation of him available at:
With sadness, but best wishes for his family,
Steven Buser, MD
Chiron Publications
-Andrew Samuels, Professor of Analytical Psychology, University of Essex.»Tom Kirsch’s fundamental modesty, quiet thoughtfulness, deep knowledge of the Jungian tradition, and direct, finely informed feeling shines through every moment of this extraordinary film. Murray Stein’s sensitive and probing questioning allows Dr. Kirsch’s exacting memory of people, places, and issues of different eras in his long life career as a Jungian to flow like the film’s music – with a warmth and beauty that is both touching and enlightening. The film has a wonderful tone – in its color, in its conversation, and in its depth.»
-Tom Singer, M.D.
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Скорбим вместе со всем юнгианским сообществом об ушедшем из жизни после продолжительной болезни Томасе Кирше, написавшем переведенную на русский язык книгу «Юнгианцы», в которой можно познакомиться с историей развития аналитической психологии с 1913 года до 2006.